Monday, January 11, 2010

training and stretching

i wish i were in better shape to truly enjoy and take advantage of this great running weather! i love the cold temps and usually run so much better. saturday, jenn, ginny, vicki, and i were 4 of the few who were out braving the wind and below freezing temps. i ran 16 miles, starting with jenn and ginny for 4, then met vicki for my last 8. i don't think i ever really got warm!

i have a few more long runs before new orleans. what i had hoped to be a good race, may now be one 'just for fun'. i'm still struggling with this periformis / IT band issue in my right leg. this issue has prevented the kind of training i had hoped to continue after vegas. i've accepted this, and i am planning to continue with my training for new orleans, just modify it a bit. to race will still be an accomplishment, and another race under my belt. the main thing is, i'm still training, keeping up my motivation, and moving forward. baby steps, right? it's a marathon, not a sprint.

i know i'm not stretching enough, so i made a goal yesterday to really make a point to stretch after each workout, forever. i have to realize i am not getting any younger, and that my age might actually be a factor, yikes! i always stretch after i teach a spin class, and it always feels so good, so why is it such a problem to do after i run? my good friend vicki has been nursing an injured hamstring for over a month now. she hasn't stopped running, but she has been vigorous in self massaging and stretching. she has seen vast improvements in her injury. i need to follow the advice of my wise running friends and take that extra 5 -10 minutes and stretch.

i will be adding yoga back into my workouts next week once the payne center begins its spring semester class schedule. i look forward to the extra benefits that will offer. just one more step in the right direction for this new year and my goals. i'm determined to accomplish them!

2010 is off to a great start!

1 comment:

  1. Since I was recently hurt, I have to keep stretching and going through this boring routine of stretching...but now I just call it my ticket to running because without, I won't be able to run and that just keeps me inspired and motivated(well, not totally but it helps!).
