Thursday, March 11, 2010

recovery, spring, and molly

it's been about 11 days since the marathon, and i've run twice. this is what i've been up to!

the day after the marathon, i had to teach my monday morning spin class. it actually wasn't that bad! the first few days after, i was mostly just sore. tuesday, i took an entire day off to get some much needed time off my feet and sleep. i felt completely exhausted for 2-3 days after the marathon. i ended up calling in sick for my wednesday morning spin class, but i had decided to go to yoga that afternoon after work. what a great yoga class! and i felt great in class! thursday, i got called in at the last minute to pinch hit for the other spin instructor so i taught his two thursday afternoon classes which are 10 minutes apart! by this point, i wasn't really sore, but i definitely felt the fatigue! the first class was fine, but in the second one, my legs were on fire. i survived.

friday, i took sweet molly girl for a 45 minute walk. it was for me and for her. sadly, my poor friend started limping after the walk. she has done that before, but after a longer run or sprinting in the back yard while playing. i was a little concerned, but not overly. saturday morning, my first try at a run with my friend vicki. we did 6, and it was about as i expected, not hard, but not easy. i enjoyed the run and the gorgeous spring weather we were treated to that weekend. saturday was also molly's 2nd birthday so i spent the day with her. she got treated to lots of backyard time while i did yard work, and a special birthday meal, meaning not dry dog food. she was not a fan of her birthday hat, but she looked so cute.

sunday morning, i debated a bike ride with an afternoon group that goes at 1:30, but i decided for another walk instead. i was still feeling tired and fatigue in my legs, and i just don't want to push it. so i took molly out again, this time for only about 30 minutes. she started limping early in the walk. i got concerned. we headed home and rested.

monday, early spin class, but monday night, no one showed for class so i went home for more rest. tuesday, molly was still limping so i called the vet, and took her in. after what i went through with my last pup, i was a nervous wreck thinking all the bad things - arthritis, displaysia, and even worse, cancer. luckily, the vet thinks just bursitis, so we're taking anti-inflammatory and resting. as of today, she's a lot better. hopefully we can put off worrying about those other things for another day or never.

i met up with vicki again for 4 miles. my legs felt great! i was excited, but the next morning, yesterday, in my attempt to bike in class, i discovered i was not as recovered as i thought. luckily it was storming after work so i went back to yoga instead of running. i felt better at yoga last week, 3 days after the marathon than i did yesterday, 10 days after! today, i'll hit the pavement again and give it a shot. maybe 5-6 miles, we'll see. either way, i'm taking it easy.

i am going to allow myself complete recovery before i start pushing anything again. i have signed up for a 5k next weekend, but i will play my effort in that race by ear. i do not want anymore IT/hip issues like last time. once i'm recovered, i am determined to have a GREAT spring / summer running season!

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